Thursday, February 27, 2020

Turn those eyes back on Calabria

“Liar, Liar Pants on Fire”

The GSE Conservator and Safety and Soundness Regulator, Mark Calabria, seems driven by Fannie-Freddie ill-intent.
His recitation last week to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) annual conference makes my point.
Regularly, he tries to rewrite history, resurrect old fabrications, and wittingly or unwittingly dampen investor hopes about future GSE values.
The last one is super ironic, especially because he needs Fannie and Freddie securities offering financial hope, not regulatory doubts, when “Conservatorship” ends, so the two can attract investor capital, reduce risk,  and carry out their mission, whatever he allows them to do after his GSE winnowing??
(Of course, by that time, our new President—elected this coming November—long will have suggested Mark C. pursue his life interests elsewhere.)
Calabria wants people to forget the past—when his buddies, the large banks, fought tooth and nail in Congress and in financial regulatory agency offices—to keep small banks and credit unions under thumb, let alone competing with the behemoths to make mortgage loans.
I worked on the Hill and later for Fannie and, in both places, I was witness to those industry disputes. I’m sure MC was a bank ally when he was a Senate Banking Committee staffer.
Four decades ago, GSE business recognition of the credit unions and other small lenders helped build their business, stand up to the big banks, and make a viable option for consumers and an alternative to bank offered mortgage financing.
As reported by Inside Mortgage Finance, at the CUNA event, Calabria seemed to forget (Ooops!) that Fannie and Freddie sloughed off big bank hatred of competing against credit unions and approved the much smaller "common bond" lenders as GSE “seller servicers,” providing a coveted commercial lifeline to those institutions, giving them and their members huge liquidity and a cost-saving mortgage financing alternative to bank loans. (GSEs siding with the credit unions and giving them business access is another historic reason big banks and the GSEs have clashed.)
That is just one of the reasons why the credit union trade groups and the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA)  always supported the GSEs.
The Director’s CUNA comments seem a microcosm of his laments.
Last week, Calabria again bemoaned the “GSE business model,” while suggesting Congress grant him additional authority (presumably so he could add to those 600 FHFA current employees who failed to put together a risk based capital draft rule, causing him to go outside and spend millions on consultants).
Ahem, Mr. Director, do you mean the business model which allowed the GSEs to earn well over $200 Billion for the Treasury and the federal government since 2013?
That business model?
It seems the Director’s external (and internal?) agenda is to make up a lot of GSE crap, cast himself and FHFA as avenging/refurbishing angels,  and hope most people won’t call BS on him/it because he’s the GSE Conservator and Safety and Soundness regulator and should know stuff.
Rhetorically, has anyone—since Calabria has taken over—heard him praise the GSEs for anything?
Has he said any good things about the GSE mission achievement, their exemplary low credit losses in their only permissible business product, or homeownership success in helping low income families? How about their revenue generation?
IMO, the plummeting values of Fannie and Freddie stocks have less to do with the internationally threatening coronavirus, but more to do with Calabria’s angry babbling to this or that interest group.
He should want the GSEs bright, shiny, and very investor attractive, so they can raise capital. (I also don’t see other federal financial regulators denigrating their regulated  wards, as Calabria does.)
The FHFA leader’s  continued knocks and negative observations about Fannie and Freddie--the two major entities he oversees (since nobody counts the Bank System), don’t promote what’s needed unless he is competing against himself in some weird three dimensional chess game using a multi-level board.
 (Mr. Director, the next time you crack wise at an industry event using Angelo Mozilo as a cudgel, you might check Wikipedia, first, to see what it says about Countrywide and one of your most senior and recent hires. Your presentation faux pas is on you not him.)
For a long time, I’ve blogged there is nothing in Calabria’s charge that prohibits him from promptly ending Conservatorship. Yet—to employ a favorite DJT construct, “many people agree”--it looks like the Director Calabria still wants to throw sand in the GSE gears and drag the process out for years.
Take your thumb off the scales, Mr. Director.

Maloni, 2-27-2020


Anonymous said...

Calabria does come out as a responsible and capable FHFA director after these babbling interviews.

As you rightly pointed out FHFA Director's job is not to bad mouth the regulatees but regulate and make them look better. If Calabria wants to create new housing model, then he needs to find another job in congress or HUD. It is not the job of FHFA Director.

If one compares FnF model with fed/banking model, FnF model seems to be most perfect model and fed/banking most flawed model. Yet there are so many who blame FnF model. But when one looks at these detractors they are mostly from fed/banking industry. These detractors
want to improve FnF instead of improving their own fed/banking model.

Besides Calabria needs to be aware of the fact that he is carelessly giving away market sensitive material information to only few that directly affects the stock market.

Anonymous said...

Besides talking about FnF model, Calabria should also express his free opinion on fed/banking system that caused 2008 crisis and fraudulent practices that caused the crisis.

How about Calabria expressing his opinion about FHFA regulatory model so as to make it open and transparent regulatory agency rather than being a super secret national security agency. Why FHFA is hiding conservatorship documents as super secret natonal security material?

How about countless lies that FHFA directors have told about FnF?

How about the laws that FHFA Directors have ignored and violated as conservators?

How about accounting frauds that FHFA directors forced on FnF so that 100s of billions can be robbed from conservatees FnF?

Honestly speaking it is clear that FHFA is the most flawed regulatory model created in a democratic system and it need to be eliminated as soon as possible.

FnF are private shareholder owned insurance companies and should be regulated like any other insurance companies. FnF do not need a most flawed regulatory model and dedicated regulator like FHFA.

Bill Maloni said...

Anon (since I think you, i.e. the same person) wrote both above comments. (If I am wrong, let me know.)

No policymakers care about the GSEs, which is why I worry about Mnuchin--who does--leaving town because his wife is bored and doesn't fit in with the GOP Washington crowd. He is or almost is the longest serving cabinet member; most don't stay into their fourth or fifth year. And with a wife who is unhappy in DC when she loves Hollywood or NYC, announced plans to move on easily are accepted and understood.

Nobody talks about the big bank PLS scandals in 2006-2007, just as nobody talks about GSE lies told by Treasury during the Obama Admin. The courts may be catching up to those spoilers, but no pun intended, the jury still is out as to whether the huge antiGSE elements in this town will heed and learn the lesson.

I was told by a former colleague who spent five years at Treasury under BHO that all the GSE alternative mortgage models that Parrott and his fellow travelers came up with failed the smell test because of how superior the GSE mortgage execution was and it was hard improving on it. But, we never read that, it just was implied as all of the Senate or Urban Institute schemes died aborning.

Why do many Senate R's and most of the FHFA Amen Chrous say the GSEs should have the same capital structure and levels as major banks when they don't operate as banks, have one very limited mortgage product line, don't take deposits, don't make commercial loans, and only can process mortgage loans on US properties, unlike banks which can have customers overseas and offer a variety of financial services?

Ther operational risks that capital is supposed to protect against is far great at a major bank than for a big company which just ensures the creditworthiness of single-family mortgagors and a slug of multifamily residential loans.

Congress doesn't have the patience or grasp to understand and discuss, let alone debate these issues, which is another reason for many of disturbing matters you mentioned in your comments.

Calabria will skip along until he gets bored or a major job offer outside of government and IMO subvert rathehr than facilitate and end to Conservatorshiop.

Bill Maloni said...

(Excuse all typos in the previous answer. It's late, I am a lousy typist and can't see the PC screen, clearly.)

Anonymous said...

"Calabria does come out as a responsible and capable FHFA director after these babbling interviews."

Sorry, I missed out "not" in the sentence.

Correct statement is:

"Calabria does NOT come out as a responsible and capable FHFA director after these babbling interviews."

Bill Maloni said...

You have me there, thanks for catching it.

That's why I apologize in advance for my editorial foibles.

Anonymous said...

Bill, Thanks for your well written article and reply.

Bill Maloni said...


G. Buckman said...

Some of your best work in quite some time, Bill.

Keep it up!

Bill Maloni said...

T^hasnks for reading and writing.

Bill Maloni said...

Seriously, does anyone know if Blogspot has a spellcheck element??

Anonymous said...

He hates GSEs for sure. Why he took the job? he needed stepstone to a better paying job. Maybe MBA president making $1m a year as Stevens. Next President, if DEM, will fire him. His strategy is to run out clock and to look good to financial establishment.

Bill Maloni said...

Actually, I wrote that same suggestion some time ago.

He disguised himself as a GSE expert with his Senate Banking work and later Pence staff activities, but neither--nor his time at the conservative think tanks--makes him anything more than a sycophant.

Anonymous said...

It is too dangerous to give so much dictatorial powers to any one and then exempt them from accountability to any three branches of Gov.

SCOTUS is responsible for this total lawlessness. SCOTUS needs to abolish all these unaccountable institutions and make them accountable to all three branches of Gov.

Independence comes from meritocratic and honest public servants and not exempting revolving door bureaucrats from accountability and giving them security.

Anonymous said...

Had FHFA (with financial establishment behind) been reasonable to GSE shareholders, the plaintiffs would have not raised the constitutionality issue. If FHFA removal cause is found unconstitutional, whole HERA would have to be voided. There is no server-ability clause there.
The senior share purchase agreement is therefore voided and Treasury returns all profit.

Anonymous said...

"The senior share purchase agreement is therefore voided and Treasury returns all profit."

Generally agree with you, but will any Judiciary ever rule in favor of common people that goes against Gov bureaucrats. Gov bureaucrats have limitless tax payer funded resources to fight against common people. In FnF cases, Gov bureaucrats are using FnF resources to fight against FnF and FnF shareholders. FHFA conservatorship is like a cancer using host's resources to destroy the host.

World over, Judiciary mostly works for Gov bureaucrats against common people. Judiciary will find some ways to avoid giving back the money.

The best hope may be Judiciary will ask Gov to give back any excess payments back to FnF and stop robbing private shareholder companies.

Bill Maloni said...

I was out of town returning today and have a new draft blog in queue, but I think--bedcause of a major vacuum--Calabria is manipulating much of the delay and outright opposition to ending Conaservatoship.

His multiple statements suggest they will be kept as wards of the government through 2024 is there for all to see.

He slow-walked their capital regs, will delay anything else which keeps them his wards.

ana said...

President Biden won't love him as FHFA head.

Anonymous said...

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