Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama Should Win, But.....

Barack Obama should be the next President of the United States.

I am not going to make any wild offers if the nation doesn’t elect him President. But if Obama does not win handily, including taking states that long have voted Republican in presidential elections, it only will be because he’s a black man and the implications of that are chilling.

George Bush and his failed policies across the board left John McCain with little political foundation and much to defend. And yes, the McCain voting record very much supports the vapid Bush doctrines. The American public, correctly, blame George W. Bush for much of the current domestic financial and international malaise.

John McCain has run a very bad campaign, filled with indecision and bad judgment. McCain no longer is the “maverick,” having given up that title when he scurried decidedly to the right to win his party’s nomination. If given the unavailable second chance, I doubt McCain would choose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty, or even Condi Rice would have been superior choices.

On the other side, Obama has run a superb campaign. He has generated excitement among the young, helped generate thousands upon thousands of new registered voters, and attracted millions of dollars in small contributions from those who never have given in the past. He’s attractive, smart, appealing and seems—more than McCain—to have the charisma to lead this nation back to balance and leadership around the world.

Poll after poll—measuring different slices of registered and likely voters from across the spectrum—show Obama the desired candidate.

All of this screams, “Obama Wins.”

So, you see where I come from with my opening statement.

We’ve read it a hundred times. You can’t poll for racism or discrimination. People won’t admit to it, with some not even aware they are subject to it.

One prominent New York Times columnist wrote last week, “There are not enough racists in America to turn this vote for McCain.”

From his lips to God’s ears!!

Fannie, Redux

How can all of those well-meaning folks on Capitol Hill not get pissed at reports like Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal story, “Rescue Plan Faces Delay in Hiring Asset Managers?”

The news article discusses the Treasury problems in finding outside talent to do the initial work to identify, acquire and sell the billions of failed mortgage assets necessary to unclog the nation's credit markets. The WSJ writer records typical and very predictable government related bureaucratic problems.

The article says that once in place, “The managers will help determine which assets to buy, when to buy them, and whether to sell or hold them.”

Golly gee Batman, isn’t that what hundreds of Treasury-indentured officials at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do every day for real?

Except for Treasury arrogance or reverse hubris, some smart government official should simply tell the Fannie/Freddie CEOs-- both of whom are Bush choices--what needs to be done, give them the business tapes (identifying the security assets) and tell them to get the best price for the sales, WITH ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO THE TREASURY?

That should take about four phone calls and three email messages to get going! (Are you reading this Barney. Chris, and Chuck??)

The two companies and their eight or more thousand employees, all of the former GSE operational systems, and market talent are already owned/controlled by the Treasury and those work forces surely will do what they are told, at minimal cost to the taxpaer.

Many people have made this totally logical suggestion and more will, as Treasury drags its feet in putting people into place and insists on replicating what already exists at Fannie and Freddie. What a waste or time, especially since everyone says this sales step is necessary “restart the credit markets.”

Fannie Redux, Redux

How many times have I heard the “McCaniacs” say, “And Fannie Mae employees have contributed more to Senator Barack Obama than any other Senator in the Congress, except Chris Dodd!

I have no idea if that is true, but let’s assume it is.

Two things standout. One, both Dodd and Obama ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, so some/part/much of that money is based on Fannie employees (who are citizens, too, with First Amendment rights) liking them in their senatorial roles, but also preferring them as presidential timber.

In addition, Dodd—now Chairman of the senate Banking Committee--always has been a “houser” and someone Fannie always viewed as a supporter.

McCain has been a GSE critic, albeit one with a much lower decibel quality than his campaign purports, and part of the Bush mob which has harrassed and challenged the GSEs at every turn.

Now, tell me again, why Fannie Mae employees, with a large contingent of minorities, should prefer John McCain? Wasn’t it enough (or bad enough?) that Fannie’s former CEO was a McCain financial supporter?

Last Media Laugh

The GOP has been blaming the media for their political and policy weaknesses and certainly McCain and Palin’s less than stellar showing

It almost had me feeling sorry for the Grand Old Party. I started wondering if there was anything to this and then I remembered that these hacks were the same crew that started blaming the media for Bush’s failures and McCain’s missteps months ago, hoping to get some “media guilt” coverage.

These were the guys, in 2004, which couldn’t give a fig about “swiftboating,” and lied about WMD, Iraq, and Bush’s abysmal record and policy decisions. These were the guys who didn’t think cheating in Florida in 2000 and then trampling their own “state’s rights” philosophy to have their Supreme Court steal the first Bush win.

If the media is biased, then it is the Republican’s fault, because they baited and then whacked the very reporters from whom they wanted good coverage.

I have no sympathy for the GOP, their lament, or their cause. I only hope that every Obama poll showing very positive numbers is an understatement of the facts.

If an Obama-Biden victory is forthcoming next Tuesday, the message GOP survivors should take away is simple, “You kept trying to feed America crap. It tastes lousy and we don't the GOP menu anymore!”

Maloni 10-29-2008


John M said...

Hi Bill,

I'm happy swiping your two middle sections for a Doom repost ;-)

Meanwhile, you might like to fix the small typo here: "... isn’t hat what hundreds ..."

Bill Maloni said...

Bless you. You only found one.

That may be a new record for me!

As always, be my guest!

John M said...

The partial re-post is now up as "Maloni to Treasury Dept: Use the GSE Pros".

Actually, I think there was another typo, but now I don't remember where it was! :-(

Anonymous said...

Wow. So if I understand your initial comment, the fact that I'm not voting for Obama is because you believe I'm a racist. Despite my long held conservative beliefs, if I hold to those beliefs in this election it isn't because I lean conservative rather, it's because I can't vote for a black man.

I my friend, take exception.

I have two choices in this election; an acerbic war hero who hasn't impressed me or many others with his campaign, or an unbelievably charasmatic freshman Senator who only after 143 days in the Federal sector decided he wanted to be the leader of the Free World.

Don't get me wrong, my boy "W" has screwed this thing beyond belief, and sadly I voted for him twice. However, my core beliefs are still those espoused by the Republican doctrines: fiscal and social conservatism, I lean more towards Federalism (in my 21 years of working directly for or in pursuit of government business, I have yet to find a federal agency that runs efficiently and effectively), tougher immigration enforcement, welfare reform, gun ownership rights, etc.

These principles will form the basis for my vote. Not the skin tone of a candidate.

I will never forget listening to Barak's speech at the 2004 DNC. He is one of the greatest orators I've ever heard, and there is no doubting many of his talents and characteristics I.e., ability to inspire, generating excitement, new voter registrations, etc. Personally I would like to have been able to judge his talents after serving for some time in the US Senate before he jumped so quickly into this race. Since I generally walk on the opposite side of much of his ideology, had he served more than a stint of time in the US Senate, maybe I would have had more of an opportunity to examine his positions and how they compare to my own beliefs.

I'm throwing the yellow flag on your use of the race card. I'm assessing you a Personal foul of $200 of your recent gambling winnings in a "share the wealth with me" penalty.

I'm voting because of the tenements of my beliefs. I don't give a rat's behind what color it comes in.

Bill Maloni said...

CJ--It was not my intent to categorize all of those who vote for soemone other than Obama (McCain, Nader, Barr, McKinney, Mickey Mouse, etc) as racists.

If it came out that way, I apologize.

My point is/was that, by whatever measure we have availabel (polls, early voting, financial support, crowds attending events, etc.), Obama seems to have a huge wind at his back and for that not to produce a WH win would suggests soemthing like an overwhelming negative force took hold of voters--once they got inside the votign booth--and turned them away from Obama.

If that happens, I believe that "force" would be race driven.

As an early Hillary supporter, I had my questions abotu Obama, but reconciled my conecrns. So, I can see doubters out there, easily, who are not guided by color.

(CJ, my conservative friend and poker-playing buddy, is a former FBI agent, salt of the earth individual, who--along with his wife--trains guide dogs, and is an exemplary individual, who--if I had to be in a foxhole with soembody-- would my choice, because he's funny and knows how to use a gun!!)

Anonymous said...

But if Obama does not win handily, including taking states that long have voted Republican in presidential elections, it only will be because he’s a black man and the implications of that are chilling.

As an early Hillary (financial) supporter who now supports John McCain, in addition to my being the spouse of a retired FBI agent, I find your statement shows contempt, prior to investigation.

Bill Maloni said...

Boy, I must really have blown it if I've drawn all this FBI attention from former agents and their spouses.

OK, there's no racism in America and I'm a fool for suggesting that racial concerns might drive some to vote their hatreds rather than their self interest.

Anonymous said...

Amiable dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.