My GSE thoughts will follow, but first, a discordant presidential
those who care, last Friday was not a good day for George Floyd, no matter what
the POTUS claimed.
Floyd still was dead; his family reeling from his ghastly killing;
protests over his death raging in major US cities; more than 110,000 of
his fellow Americans dead in five months--not from police brutality like
Floyd--but COVID-19, a virus which continued to infect and take lives; unemployment
still hit 13.8% (meaning millions of his fellow citizens still were without but sought jobs);
our President continued his lying and campaigning for office failing to offer
any succor to US demonstrators, but trying to suggest he was responsible for fewer unemployed.
In violation of the Constitution, DJT wanted US troops to patrol US cities. (Someone sounds
politically rattled and desperate.)
and Ignoring Facts, FHFA Produces a Predictable “Snooze-in-ar”
Two days earlier, one of President Trump’s more recent appointees, Mark Calabria who heads the Federal Housing Finance Agency, presided over a farce agency “webinar” about the new risk-based capital regulation pre-sold as open and transparent but with no revealing information or answers to the question about how the agency put forward this controversial regulatory order which seems to diverge from history and conflict other promises Calabria made—when he was nominated-- about returning the GSEs to health and private ownership, once they raise additional capital.
After waiting nearly a year, spending millions on outside
consultants, FHFA’s Director all but crapped his pants and unloaded a wholly
made up new capital design consistent with very little except his goal to injure
the GSEs vis-à-vis commercial banks.
Check the facts not just his rhetoric.
He did so with a draft to set fresh capital
standards for Fannie and Freddie as they return to some semblance of their
pre-2008 status quo, instead. But he did so with ill regard for low, moderate,
and middle income people who the two serve and who most in Congress would
choose to support, since it is those would-be mortgagors who will pay for
Calabria’s capital enhancement or “buffers,” as he calls them.
Some smart staffer must have suggested that FHFA hold a
public “webinar, presumably to field questions about all the bizarre twists
and turns, MC’s draft regulation took. But none were explained or simplified. Few listeners were enlightened.
After FHFA blah, blah, blahed about transparency, the agency
must have handed out “No Doze” pills to its audience, after pre-approving all questions, so FHFA execs and Director Mark
Calabria would not be surprised by questions/questioners for which they had not
prepared or had no answers. FHFA then presumably achieved “webinar” Valhalla,
when boredom caused most listeners to hang up and check out.
One could almost hear the wafting soon-taken-back salute, “Way
to go Brownie," or Markie.
I’m told insomniacs have made requests for the FHFA event
tape to help with their sleeping difficulties.
From Calabria’s perspective, that result was a lot better
than having to stand up and answer why he contends the GSEs and behemoth banks
are close enough from a risk comparison to capitalize each other similarly, even
though they have dramatically different charters and do not compete with one
another in their standard business lines. Fannie and Freddie are monoline
companies and only can guarantee mortgage credit on US homes, while the leviathan
commercial banks can operate all over the world offering a variety of complex
commercial products (loans). The GSEs do single and multifamily mortgage
credit, domestically and--unlike the big banks-- have generated more
than 10 years’ worth of superb very low credit losses.
People who understand the FHFA scheme will see the
possibility that Calabria’s rule could end up costing low-moderate-and middle
income families as much as a 150 basis points (one and a half percent) more than families with higher credit scores.
Is that what congressional Democrats want??
Challenge this point Senate Banking Committee; don’t buy a
pig in a poke because Calabria once was a glib GOP committee staffer and labored for VP Pence.
If you bless his RBC proposal, you wear it.
Maybe the SBC Senators listening to Calabria on Tuesday
will cut through the FHFA’s previous bull crap and ask the Director point blank
questions about MC’s ideological
GSE/large bank risk and capital comparisons, as well as who in the
mortgage chain will bear the real cost of a GSE capital increase?
Remember Senators, we are talking about 40% to 50% of all
future American mortgages? Do the math for your own states and the negative impact on your constituents in this election year.
Then take another look in the streets.
Then take another look in the streets.
Bill, have you heard any rumblings our of SBC on how they feel about the current FHFA proposal? Even if there are tough questions coming out of the hearing, I suspect MC will conjure up his childhood dodge ball skills and not provide any meaningful answers.
Amadeus, thanks for reading or writing--
I am afraid you are right, but I hope you are wrong. I've been trying to make sure the above doesn't happen, but you need one or two knowledgeable Senators who can see what the future looks like if Calabria is successful.
So we have to hope for one senatorial "Profile in Courage, the multiple investment bankers still in the process and their agendas, or the courts.
Bill I have a feeling you'd have something negative to say about Trump if he would have picked up the tab, out of his personal account, to pay every US citizen the $1200 that was sent out. You have tunnel vision when it comes to politics imho. Trump don't lie any more than any other politician in DC cuss people can't handle the truth
Hi Anon--
He's the most lying President in our history.
This weekend' whopper, he's not done more for African Americans than any president (think Lincoln, Grant, LBJ). or Lyndon Johnson; he continued lied about COVID-19 matters, blatantly.
We've lost 110,000 of our fellow Americans-in the past 5 months--and our facing more deaths.
You are right, I don't like him and consider him a civic disease.
I just hope you didn't consume any bleach to pre-empt the virus. The Russians looted and defiled our 2016 elections; our election system is in shamble and he rails t in voting is fraudulent (while naming a new ally to run the Post Office, and he is the laughing stock of the world, since he's been conned by every sovereign thug.
Have you been listening to Generals Mattis, Kelly, and Powell and the religious people at St. John's Church.
They are not exactly a group of radical leftists.
In the meantime, I hope you amnd yours are staying healthy!
Anon--You must have gotten to me; there are more Maloni typos in this response than I have in weeks, totaled!!
Well it's a Monday Bill so tomorrow will be better. I feel the same way about Obama as you do Trump. Right or wrong, good or bad,Trump has done more while in office than any recent President. We haven't yet went to war with any nation an even got Kim in North Korea to stop intimidating Japan an South Korea. He standing up to Iran an China with no shots fired. I think the next four years will see the fruits of his ART OF THE DEAL playing out to benefit all Americans. Imho. Good day
What's he done? He's a chickenhawk, not a Warhawk. All hat no cattle, especially when the opponent is a female minority.
He's rolled over for Putin and the Middleeast despots. Are you going to answer what all of those generals said???
I sure hope tomorrow is better for everyone.
How much time per day does he spend working on his tan??
FOX reports that a Biden advisor said Biden would terminate recap and release plan by Calabria after he wins. DO you believe that?
I have no idea what Biden's GSE plan as POTUS would be, but minority homeownership rates were the highest (I believe in the mid 50% versus whites in the mid 60% in the early years of 2000s, when Fannie's affordable housing efforts were significant.
I believe the memory of that fact still weighs heavily in the minority community and--given the importance of the Congressional Black Caucus to Biden's presidential campaign--I doubt if he would get much headway with an anti-GSE agenda were he to win in November.
Again, I have no idea, specifically, what "President Biden" may suopoport--given the history of some Obama staffers still spewing their GSE opposition--I believe Biden would support some Fannie/Freddie relief.
Bill, the only DEM in congress who dislikes GSEs is Mark Warner, despite he said he liked housing affordability. Do you know anyone else there?
Most Dems would balance between housing affordability and taxpayer protection. If DEM wins Senate, Brown may be next SBC chair. Or Reed, or Menendez. But not Warner.
I know a few staff memebers in Obama admin (and in Treasury) favor big banks to GSEs, because the banks have potentially very good job/business offers to them. Some of them may try to join Biden admin.
I'd take Brown or RI's Jack Reed in a heartbeat.
There also is a major difference between opposing and "understanding how they operate."
Generally, the more of the latter the less the former, but it takes time and desire to get into the GSEs history and interstices.
The ex-Obamaites are a concern and I emailed with someone close to the JB campaign on that matter, yesterday.
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